CRISES IN CAPITALIST refers to conflict and contradiction that occurred due to the development of capitalism to the highest stage of imperialism which had increase the demand for the colonies were by division of for the colonies dissatisfied by same European power and led to the outbreak of crises in capitalism.

First world war
Great depression
The second world war

                 This was a typical imperialist war which occurred due to the increase demands of imperialism to seek super profit.
              The term First World War doesn’t mean there was no any other war before, it was there but they were only regional wars. It was termed First World War because

  1.  It was the first one to bring untold catastrophe and sorrow in the whole history of mankind.
  2. It covered large geographical area as all continents directly or indirectly participated in the war
  3. It involved the use of modern technology and weapons like war flight, atomic bombs, submarines, automatic machine gun while other war use local weapons.
  4.  Prior to the period war there was mainly six principal powers which later participated in the war by chain of reaction whereby one power allied with other. These countries were German, Austria-Hungary and Italy in side of triple alliance, British, France and Russia who were the triple entente.

        If could not be the formation of military alliance the war could ended between SERBIA and AUSTRIA-HANGARY but due to military alliance that agree of Mutual assistance among one other during the period of war , the war spread all over  principal power.

            Causes of the First World War divided into two groups namely the long term and short term causes


i. Development of capitalism the capitalism reached in highest stage of imperialism resulted to the increase demand of the raw material, market and new area of investment. Due to this most of European power started to struggle to get overseas procession, when the where struggle they meet one other and started to scramble for the colonies which later on created enemity among the nation and led to the emergence of the first world war

ii. Colonial rivalry the European power competing for the colonies due to increasing demand of them. This created the sense of disunity and enemity among the European power. E.g:- France and Italy in Tunisia, British and Germany in East Africa gave the room for the increasing conflict among European power  as the result to the outbreak of the first world war.

iii. Armament race refer as the competition of creating strong arm among the European Nation which resulted to distrust and enemity among European power. This created the sense of same nation to feel they were very strong that the other and started to look the area for using their weapons which resulted to the increasing of quarrels and led to the outbreak of first world war

iv. Formation of antagonist military alliance prior to the period of the war the world divided into two major block that were triple entente and triple alliance. The member of these alliance agreed on mutual assistance whereby when one power was attacked other member should assist her during the trouble this created the chain of reaction whereby the war started from SERBIA and AUSTRIA-HUNGARY to all major six power of the world

        Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife Sophia when the prince of Austria visit in Sarajevo the capital city of Bosnia he and his wife were assassinated by the Serbian Extremist in order to save Serbia and Bosnia from Austrian colonies. When the Austrian prince was assassinated the Austrian government become more furious and placed ultimatum to Serbian government
a) To stop assisting the Ant-Austrian extremist
b) To punish all those who participated in the killing of prince
c) To allow the Austrian officials to enter in Serbia and suppress the Ant Austrian extremism
             As the resulted Serbian agreed to all but neglected to allow the Austrian officials to enter in Serbia Austria Hungary took it as a total refuse and declared war to Serbia with the aid of German on 28 July 1914, Russia reply was very fast as she afraid to be affected by the war and thus German declared war to the Russia due to the promises of the alliance made the members of alliances entered the war on 4th August the war was spreading to all principal powers of the world and that was the origin of the war


  • Intensive exploitation like forced labour, land alienation, taxation in Africa by white so as to revamp their economy
  • Decline of production activities in plantation and settler farms due to the lack of man power as people were recruited to the war field
  • Change of colonial master were granted  to the mandate territories under British, France and Belgium
  • Loss of man power as many people died during the war
  • Rise and fall prices of raw material for those material which were needed by European  its price a rose but those which were not demanded its price decline
  • Decline of social services like health, education as they were turned into military camps
  • Spread of communicable disease were by the returned soldiers come with diseases like influenza and small pox
  • Rise of Nationalism  due to increase of exploitation to the point of no return of the Africans    
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